Tuesday, April 22, 2008

say what?..

I should sue for copyright infringement.. or.. sue.. press charges.. whatever Americans do in situations like this..

I mean.. srsly!..am I crazy or is that ad... and the whole concept.. totally inspired by me?
*John Nash moment*
..maybe it's not..
you tell me..

Now playing: Garbage - I think I'm paranoid
via FoxyTunes


JX said...

Indeed It Is!

Maybe not the "lines" part but close enough...

revilomat said...

How lame! They recolored just the middle part of the bear!! Sue these bastards!

And this is the third time I stumble across John Nash today. Uhm.

jp3d said...

Hmm that software looks pretty bad-ass actually...

"iSight support – snap and draw on yourself!"

Its also 100% vector format, and can be saved as PDF. Pretty slick.

ooh 30 day trial version too! Wish I had a mac. You should download it and tell us how it is.

Anonymous said...

"Doozla — a drawing application... for kids! Many software programs are overly complicated, with lots of scary looking buttons! Not so with Doozla..."

Hmm..sounds nice ;) But wait...

Scary looking buttons ?!

What cruel software company would do such a thing lol ;-)

gfxr said...
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gfxr said...

haha it is! it's even got the green design going. I say you sue and cut me in on the profit? deal? :]

Jase said...

You inspire greatness ;)

jp3d said...

saw an ad for "PEZCORE" on last.fm: